Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chennai, 7-17 Aug 2011: Reflections from Jessie Chui

We just successfully completed the first-ever Destiny overseas trip to Chennai, India from 7 to 17 Aug 2011! PTL!!

We will be posting the various team members' sharing/reflections one by one. Here's the first one from Jessie Chui. Photo: Jessie (right) with our lovely guide and friend Hephzibah.

This is my first trip to Chennai, which is a very unforgettable one where I received so much love, met many new amazing people and learned new insights which impacted my life and changed me.

First, I am not a very passionate person, I am quite cold at times, I seldom take the initiative to interact with people. But during this trip I saw how passionate these people are, especially the children. They are full of smiles and always rushes to me to say hi to me, hug me, play with me and I changed to taking the initiative to greet people with warmth and hugs even when I’m back in Singapore and I can see the big difference this little change has made, where walls between the relationship just falls and the love of God just flows freely with just a hug and a smile (:

I got to interact with some amazing pastors, missionary and passionate Christians and learned so much from their way of living, which inspired me to go deep into the Word of God and spend a lot of time reading the Word, praying and worshipping as I can see the difference in them, how they shine with the light of the Word in them and they are never weary of doing good and loving everyone passionately.

One of the most memorable nights during the conference was when we were praying for our own country on stage and Pastor Anton said to me that I am a holy child because I choose God which touches me because I am still struggling with my sins yet God sees me as holy because I never give up in fighting to be holy and God gave me the anointing to pray for the youths in Singapore, to be filled by God’s love because although most of us have parents with us but we are spiritual orphans and most of us are using worldly things to fill our voids which only God can fill. Being filled with God’s love is the only way to be changed from our sinful ways. My desire is that Singaporeans will experience and abide in the Father’s love, to be a holy country that influences the other countries around us.

One of the most precious things I gained from this trip is a heart of compassion, which is the Father’s heart. God gave me this heart when this little girl whom I love so much walked towards me, crying her lungs out during the conference and my heart just breaks for her where I hugged her tightly and kept telling her “I love you so much, you’re my precious, I am your Father, I have always been with you and will never leave you.” She cried for a long time and finally fell asleep in my arms where I wished that she would remain in my embrace forever and this is what God feels for every one of us. He loves us so much that His heart breaks deeply when we are going through hardships and how He longs to hold us in His arms forever and watching us sleep in His embrace. Until now I still misses the little girl and would pray for her each time I think of her. Thank You Father for showing me your love for us that is so wide and so passionate, that I am just in awe of your great love, how you love each and every one of us is just so amazing.

I miss Chennai so much. My heart is always wanting to go back to visit the children. To play with them, pray with them, worship with them, sing with them and dance with them! They are so different from the children I see in Singapore because they are “less fortunate” yet actually they are much richer in the spirit. It is because they have little, that they have more of God. Praise the Lord for in Him, the poor say they are rich, the weak say they are strong and God uses the poor and the weak to shake the nations. The weak shall rise up and the strong will fall so that every one will know that He is the Lord and His name will be glorified on earth. Amen!

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