Thursday, January 31, 2008

Awkward Teenager No More!

A few years back, I was an awkward teenager.
I wore braces, donned large gold-rimmed glasses that took up half my face, had broom-like hair – dry and limp.
I had no fashion sense. Nada. Zilch.

So, back then, to make myself feel better, I came up with this list in my diary on what I like about myself.
Here are the things I like about myself:
1) Good sense of music/ keen sense of rhythm
2) Ability to be a peacemaker
3) The “leader” in me
4) My neat handwriting
5) My ability to draw and blend colours

I was always the quiet and awkward one whilst my younger sister was the more popular, more outspoken one, and still is. But I’ve learned to capitalize on other strengths and gifts that God has given me, instead of focusing on my inadequacies. Because of that, I am confident about myself.

Look through your life and count your blessings. Make up a list of them!
God has different purposes and gifts for various people because He loves diversity in His big family.

Have you found yours and capitalized on it?




为了增加自信,我便在日记簿里写下自己的优点, 例:能欣赏音乐、善于协调纠纷、有领导能力、书写端正、知道如何搭配颜色。

大家切记,要回顾过往生命,数算恩典,甚至将它们记录下来作为提醒!上帝喜爱一个多元化的家庭,因此赋予每个人不同的使命、不同的命定及不同的恩赐。 你是否已寻见自己的命定与天赋并将精力投资其中?

Chinese translation by cheri