Monday, March 17, 2008

A Season for All Things

Most of the time, being young is a blessing. You can make mistakes and nobody would blame you. You have the energy to try all things new. You have the physical strength.
But sometimes, being young can be a curse, especially when too many new things in life try to bog you down.

Being young offers you many opportunities to try new stuff. But one has to be careful to not fall into the trap of burning out oneself, so much so that time alone with God gets sacrificed.

Here is an exercise you can consider doing. Write down how you spend your time each day.
How many hours do you put in your studies?
How many hours do you spend on the Internet or TV?
How many hours do you spend in church serving ministry?
And how many minutes do you give to God, alone?

Remember, there is always a season for what you are supposed to do. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, it is said that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”.

In different seasons of our youth, we are called to do different things.
So be focused.

Learn to say no to new things if God does not give the yes.






“凡 事 都 有 定 期 , 天 下 万 务 都 有 定 时 。”传 道 书 3:1


Chinese translation by cheri

Monday, March 3, 2008

God – Our Weatherman

In December 2007, my church mates and I went to Perak, Malaysia for an outdoor adventure trip. During that period of time, news of Malaysia (our destination) being flooded, well, flooded the TV. The torrential rain even caused some places to have landslides! Yes, the rain was that terrible.

So, on our first day, we all shouted in unison to the hills of Perak, praying for great weather for all our activities. Guess what?
During the 3 days 2 nights of our trip, we were never soaked in heavy rain! What’s even more amazing was that we even got the scorching sun on our last day of activity!
God is awesome!

In the Bible, Jesus calmed the life-endangering storm as well. If God is in control of these natural occurrences, we can trust in Him to help also calm our emotions when the going gets tough.

During stressful periods, proclaim that He is the Prince of Peace. During times of depression, proclaim that He is Your Hope and Joy!
Feeling under the weather?
Proclaim that God is our great Weatherman and He is in control!






你的生命是否在面临狂风暴雨的吹袭? 和我一起宣告,神是掌管天气、掌管万物的神!他是我们生命的天气测量师

Chinese translation by cheri