Monday, December 7, 2009

Why we do what we do

Recently, I've been evaluating what we've done in Destiny so far and couldn't help but feel that perhaps we could have saved some of our efforts and resources. The three of us have poured in countless sleepless nights, days of running around (sometimes with our families in tow), tens of thousands of dollars, many hours of prayer and even buckets of tears as we prayed. And none of us are drawing a salary. Then I remembered the spark in one of the participants' eyes, the 'wow!'s from some of the other participants and the joy that flowed from all these young people as they sang/played in worship. I then realised that we are helping them to fulfil the same dreams that we used to have when we were young but nobody had given us a chance to pursue long time ago... and it's worth everything that we've put in and will be putting in. After all, Jesus has given us His all so whatever that we sacrifice is nothing compared to His! And that's why we'll keep doing what we've been doing, at least until He tells us to stop. ;)
