Monday, December 7, 2009

Why we do what we do

Recently, I've been evaluating what we've done in Destiny so far and couldn't help but feel that perhaps we could have saved some of our efforts and resources. The three of us have poured in countless sleepless nights, days of running around (sometimes with our families in tow), tens of thousands of dollars, many hours of prayer and even buckets of tears as we prayed. And none of us are drawing a salary. Then I remembered the spark in one of the participants' eyes, the 'wow!'s from some of the other participants and the joy that flowed from all these young people as they sang/played in worship. I then realised that we are helping them to fulfil the same dreams that we used to have when we were young but nobody had given us a chance to pursue long time ago... and it's worth everything that we've put in and will be putting in. After all, Jesus has given us His all so whatever that we sacrifice is nothing compared to His! And that's why we'll keep doing what we've been doing, at least until He tells us to stop. ;)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Find Yourself In Music

Music is the expression of one’s deepest emotions that are, in every sense, beyond words. Her rhythmic strokes weave easily into yearning ears and slowly but surely, into the innermost being of every listener. This simple wavelike beauty becomes magical for those who understand its language.

The beautiful reality is this: Music is created especially for us. From the rhythmic beep of the train every morning to the melodious cluck of the stilettos in Shenton Way, we are created to appreciate and find pleasure in it. Music, in its simple way, moves us. Its sparkle extends even into our lives. Not only is it an avenue where we seek solace and convey our delight in, it is also one where we learn to express ourselves in.

We are indeed, what we listen to. The kind of music that we relate to is very telling of who we are. Many teenagers like you and I express our identity and individuality through music and often, it is this identity that is truest to our self. In music, there is no need to pretend or put on a mask; we are free to express ourselves in the ways we want to. The best thing is that no one person interprets the same piece of music the same way. Through music, we find our uniqueness and personality.

Music is essentially a channel where we discover ourselves, a creation for us to conduct our search for our destiny in life. This meticulous and thoughtful medium can only be created by someone as loving as God. The Creator of the world, He has also produced such breathtaking complexities that will one day, capture many wandering hearts and become a signpost to many lost entities. All the intricacies of music are there to direct us to His beauty and His splendor. The magnitude of God’s love has propelled Him to create music for us to find Him in.

Music. It is undeniably a language. It is a language of God’s love for you.
Do you hear it?











Chinese translation by edmund

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Making History

This year, we have witnessed a dramatic increase not only in the quantity of participants in the competition but also in the quality of the competitors. It is heartening to see how much talent God has given to these young people as well as the dedication and determination that they show in developing their God-given talent.

In this day and age where the future appears bleak, what with rampant natural disasters, terrorism, diseases and the financial crisis, we must continue to hold on to the hope that God has given us through the younger generation (that’s YOU!)

As long as God keeps gifting us with talents and abilities, and we are committed to keep growing and putting these gifts to use, He can work miracles through us. As our opening song tonight says, “I’m gonna be a history maker in this land.” Let this be our cry to God – enable us to make an impact in this world and change history for the salvation of all mankind!

Your fellow history makers,
Jeffrey, Job & Anne
Music iLab Pte Ltd

P.S. We indeed made history on 11 & 12 Sep. The finals of Destiny Music Awards 2009 were webcast live on both nights and the total number of hits for our live video streaming was over 20,000!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Winning the Race

“Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.”
–1 Corinthians 9:26

Life is like a rat race – you jostle to get ahead of the pack and they say you are “really there” only if you clinch the coveted trophy, earn big bucks and socialize with the most popular and powerful people.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” - 1 Corinthians 9:24

We run the race to get the prize. But is this the prize, or are these the prizes we are running for? No, the prize is to complete our ultimate calling in life.

True winning comes when we run with our God-given destiny blazing before us, not from blindly chasing things that do not have eternal value. Run, but with your destiny.

Now, you are ahead and the eternal prize will be yours.



“所以,我奔跑不像无定向的;我斗拳不像打空气的。” - 歌林多前书 9:26

生命就像一场赛跑竞赛。只有当你赶在前方、赢得万众瞩目的奖杯、赚大钱、周旋于达官贵人之间, 大家才认为你成功了。

“岂不知在场上赛跑的都跑、但得奖赏的只有一人? 你们也当这样跑、好叫你们得着奖赏。” - 歌林多前书 9:24




Chinese translation by edmund

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Destiny Music Awards 2009

We are pleased to announce that the third Destiny Music Awards will be held this year.

This is a music competition open to all students attending educational institutions in Singapore within the following age groups:
Secondary – 12 to 17 years old
Post-Secondary – 17 to 20 years old

The competition categories include:
Best Original Song (English/Chinese)
Best Vocalist (English/Chinese)
Best Group (English/Chinese)
Best Dance

Interested students must register for the Awards by 18 Jul 2009. The auditions for all categories of the competition will be held from 27 to 31 Jul 2009 and the finals on 11 Sep 2009 (for Secondary) and 12 Sep 2009 (for Post-Secondary). Attractive prizes worth over $6000 are up for grabs! Registration forms are available at the official website:

For more information, please email: or call hph: 91418913.